The Pitch & Roll sensors are installed on the stationary part of the crane, below the slew ring. The sensors installed 90 degrees to each other will measure the movement ±10°. The information will be displayed and will alarm and indicate when to shut down the crane operation , if the vessel operate outside the set roll and pitch limits.
Our Roll & Pitch equipment are available both in a Ex zone 1 version and for safe area applications, operating between - 40 to + 65°C (-40 to + 150°F) protected from the environment in IP 66/67 rated enclosures.
Onboard lifting operations may be restricted if the crane is onboard a floating, although anchored vessel. Previously, load charts had the limitation of 30 degrees list. Today FPSO and other floating vessels and rigs will have several on-board duties based upon the vessel movement. The roll and Pitch movement is two of the movements reducing the lifting capacityies and if limits are exceeded, prewarning buzzers and shutdown alarms may be activated. The actual roll and pitch values can be displayed on the Mipeg X display when activated.
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