Upcoming webinars hosted by Aanderaa - 2021
Oxygen Dynamics in the Oceans:
Recent Findings and New Technology
Date: February 17, 11:00 - 12:00 (EST)
Time: 11:00 - 12:00 (EST)
In this educational webinar, we will discuss:
- Recent findings on oxygen dynamics in the Labrador Sea
- How the sensors should be handled to optimize data quality.
- New features like trace O2 detection and enhanced stable foils with better pressure behavior.
Study Processes at the Seafloor:
Methods and Applications
Date: March 17, 2021
Time: 11:00 - 12:00 (EST)
In this educational webinar, we will discuss:
- Experiences learned from use of Gothenburg University benthic chamber landers during more than 300 deployments/1000 incubations in water depths ranging from 5 to 5600 m.
- Measurements of different solutes/contaminants will be presented as well as manipulative injection experiments to study the N-cycle.
- Phosphate retention and the effects of sediment resuspension.
Decadal Changes in the Coastal Environment:
Baltic Sea Case Study
Date: April 21
Time: 11:00 - 12:00 (EST)
In this educational webinar, we will discuss:
- How multi-parameter instruments were installed to measure hydrographic changes at hourly intervals.
- Why Eutrophication and persistent toxic substances have decreased in the environment while benthic fauna has been impoverished.
- Program success in finding and stopping polluting point sources.
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